freezing with gently rolling seas, tons of sun. we tried to organize
a back deck BBQ and find the lounge chairs to no avail. the mooring
was recovered safely and the data is being downloaded now and we are
now headed north towards P.A. for real.
i am sitting down with revisions to the cruise report. I learned
something yesterday -- when submitting the cruise report, do so on
the last possible day (despite the hints/pleas of the chief
scientist), and then get out of town quickly. otherwise you might be
subject to more work -- like reviewing old data sets for comparison
to the current cruise. so i have a new project. but I'll try not to
get in the way of my "reflections" project.
this was/is the first time i've really kept a journal, and even more
the first time that i've let other people see it. i've talked about
the weird aspects of this one-way communication -- i.e. not knowing
who you're addressing and what they want to know -- so i won't dwell
on that. it's been valuable for me for a few different reasons --
it's forced me to reflect on some of the minor things which I might
forget otherwise, it's made me communicate with friends and family
even though I've been tired and too lazy to write a lot of emails at
night, and maybe most importantly it's forced me to write, and to not
be worried about finalizing thoughts beforehand (or during, or
after). i've wanted to use writing more as a tool to understand both
scientific and personal stuff but sitting down and doing it is hard.
hopefully i can keep it up in some form going forward.
for family,
i hope this was personal enough and maybe a bit more news and info
about why i'm doing this and what's happening than i'd give if i
wrote to you individually...
for friends,
i hope this wasn't too dorky; all the family stuff applies to you too.
for those who don't know me but paid attention while i was gone,
it's exciting to me that you took the time to read this and, if
you're reading it just because you want to do something similar, I
hope you get the chance.
for those who don't know me but are reading it after the cruise,
same as above! write me an email/comment if you want to...
for NBP0702-ites who are reading this after,
i hope i didn't screw up my recollections (please correct me if i
did), and i'm sorry i didn't get to talk about everyone, because i
could have written (mostly favorable...(just kidding)...) whole
entries about each person on board.
for everyone,
let me know what i did well and poorly (i.e. too many parentheses),
and especially leave notes and comments if you think i should fill
something in and/or elaborate. thanks for reading whoever you are!
Now at 66S, past the antarctic circle, off to watch ice age II,
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